On the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months at 12:00 p.m., the Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum
Meetings are held in a hybrid format and open to everyone in the community.
In-person at the chamber
777 Peters Avenue, Pleasanton
Virtually via Zoom
Register in advance for the Zoom link
Up Next
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers TBD
Take a look at past forums
July 2023
State Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan provided a district update and spoke about the social and economic challenges facing our community in regards to water, and General Manager of the Stoneridge Mall Andres Ripa gave us an update on all that is happening in and around the mall.